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What type of dental issue are you experiencing?

Toothache Emergency

Toothaches can bring you to a full-stop. The pain can be so severe that you may actually need to see a emergency dentist today. Ask yourself on a scale of 1 - 10 how severe is your pain? If you are north middle point, you should go to a dentist immediately. If your dentist is closed, and you can't find a dentist that is open right now, please call. We are happy to help.

Root Canal Emergency

An emergency root canal means you need to see a dentist now. Infection is very high in these types of dental issues and infection is a huge concern. You need to really be cautious and responsible to make sure you get treatment even if you have other priorties. If you are unsure, ask your self the following questions

1) Discoloration - if the tooth you feel you may require an emergency root canal has changed colors and infection in the pulp is likely.
2) Gum Pimples - have you noticed that your gums have had what appears like little pimples? If you have noticed it for an extended period of time for an immediate root canal treatment.
3) Swollen Gums - can be a bit more tricky to tell if you require emergency dental care. If you notice your gums are swollen you are experiencing any other issues on the list you should go to an emergency root canal dentist now. If you need help, just call.
4) Tooth Sensitivity - we may all expierence sensitivity to hot or cold at some time, but if you persistant and ranks high in the pain scale you should seek a dentist for their opinion.

Denture Emergency

Emergency denture repair is one the highest reasons people look for a same day dentist. Not being able to use eat or chew requires immediate attention. Seniors and elderly are greatly impacted when their dentures get damaged.

Even with the best denture care possible to require repairs. Bitting on something hard on bitting improperly can crack and break dentures. If you have attempted a diy denture repair and it still not working, you should call your dentist. If your repair was successful you should schedule an appointment to have your denturist review your dentist and ensure that will last.

When you need a denturist or an emergency denture dentist that is open now, please call.

Chipped Tooth Emergency

If you chipped tooth has created anyone of the following symptoms you should go to an emergency dentist immediately:

  • Fracture - in pulp, enamel or dentin where the tooth is broken and you can red or black matter is a great concern. If you have a 5 or greater on the pain scale and or are experiencing swelling, or an infection you should seek emergency dental care no later than 24 hours from the time of occurrence.

  • Root Fracture - is not visible, however, if you have severe pain that is increasing and sensitive to temperature and presssure you should see your endodontist immediately for emergency care.

  • Displacement - if your tooth has fallen or forced out of alignment it is extremely urgent that you seek emergency dental care. Your tooth may die and the faster you can see a dentist the chances of keeping your tooth live increases the likelihood.

  • Avulsion - if your tooth is knocked completely out of your mouth you should seek an emergency dentist now. After 30 minutes the success rate of implanting your tooth becomes less successful. Please call immediately if you tooth has been knocked out.

  • Emergency Tooth Extraction

    Emergency tooth removal is highly common when a tooth is impacted. Emergency care is typically needed when the tooth may actually be causing harm that may not be reversible to your gums or other teeth. In these cases you should call your dentist immediately. If your dentist is not available need to have your wisdom tooth removed now or need relief till you can make an appointment please call for an 24 hour dentist that is on-call that can prescribe you medication necessary to get you through to your appointment.

    When type of dentist are you looking for?

    24 Hour Dentist

    A dentist that is on-call and available 24 hours is available when you need them. 24 hour dentists can provide immediate care for your dental emergency and relief through sedation or pain medications to keep your pain managed till your procedure is complete.

    After Hour Dentist

    After hour care in the field of dentistry is available in many major cities. If your dentists normal business hours conflicts with your schedule, an after hour dentist can be helpful. We understand and we can help.

    Same Day Dentist

    Same day dental care is extremely important for many patients. From having your dentures repaired the same day, to have a crown replaced the same day not only saves time, but saves you from inconvenience or discomfort longer than you actually need. Our network of after hour dentists is available to you and anyone that needs access. When you need same day dental treatments, we can connect you to one of dentist available to see you.

    Saturday Dentist

    Need a dentist open this Saturday is actually a lot easier than you think. A lot of family and pediatric dentists actually are open on Saturday. If your dentist is not, you may want consider looking for a new dentist that has Saturday hours.

    Sunday Dentist

    Finding a dentist open on Sunday is actually a bit more challenging. A Sunday dentist, will typically be a dentist that provides on call services. If you need a dentist open this Sunday, we can help you find a dentist near you that provides the service and care you need.

    Dentists Open Late

    If your dentist closes early or before you can get to them after work, you should consider a dentist that provides extended hours and is open later for this specific reason. Dentists that are open late will typically open later in the morning, but offer extended hours in the afternoon and evening. You get the same service and care. If you need help finding a dental office thats open late we can help.

    Have a toothache? Is your dentist is closed till Monday? This happens more than you can imagine. First, try to call your dentist, leave them a message. Your dentist may be able to see you after there normal business hours. If you notice your dentist is not calling back or announces they do not provide emergency services, your next best bet is to call (877) 218-1247 and speak to an operator thats able to help you find a dentist anytime 24/7.

    Thanks to network you can find a local professional and friendly dentist with in minutes. Just call our toll free phone number 1 (877) 218-1247 and answer a few questions its that simple.